Financial Hardship Policy VCP PHONES.
What is Finacial Hardship?
The Telecommunications Consumer Protections Code defines Financial Hardship as a situation where a customer is unable to discharge their financial obligations in relation to the supply of services due to a reasonable cause but where the customer expects to be able to do so if payment arrangements are changed.
How To apply?
Our policy may apply when you tell us you are facing Financial Hardship, In order for us to assess whether you are eligible for this Financial Hardship Policy, we may ask you to provide us with certain documentation with details of your financial situation, such as your income details, a report from a financial counsellor, a bank, or Centrelink, job termination letter. We may not be able to assess your eligibility for this policy if you do not provide us will sufficient documentation of your circumstances. To assess your situation, we will use your documents together with any other information available to us. Once we have received all the required documentation, we will inform you within 21 working days if your application has been successful. Once your application has been approved, we will let you know the outcome. In most of the outcomes you will be given an extended period with a minimum commitment amount to be repaid to us. You must let us know if your circumstances change during our arrangement. Please be aware that if you provide false or incomplete information, we may cancel any hardship arrangements.
Alternate Methods
You can talk to a phone financial counsellor from anywhere in Australia by ringing 1800 007 007 (minimum opening hours are 9.30 am – 4.30 pm Monday to Friday). This number will automatically
switch through to the service in the State or Territory closest to you.
Contact us
You can email us at or by calling us on 1300 038 248. Please put the subject as Fianacial hardship if you are emailing us. We will then write back to you within 21 days (about 3 weeks) if you have been successful